
What do yo want to know about Dilmah Tea?

 What do yo want to know about Dilmah Tea?

Sri Lanka family tea company Dilmah, founded by Merril J. Fernando, today the world’s most experience teamaker, has championed quality, authenticity and variety in tea. Dilmah pioneered the concept of single origin tea in 1988 when the family company went against industry trends to declare its commitment to authenticity.

Gardem fresh, unblended tea is a hallmark of Dilmah and offers a unique taste of unblended Ceylon tea packed at source where it is grown. Dilmah takes the lead in bringing innovation to a global tea category that has suffered decline as a result of commoditization.

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Signature event such as the chefs and the teamaker and real high tea are innovations that seek to educate and inspire hospitality professionals to offer their guest a completely new tea experience. The Dilmah school of tea seeks to inspire passion in tea through knowledge of the artisanal aspects of tea amongst hospitality professionals, tea aficionados and consumers.

The emphasis is on the importance of real tea and the versatility of this natural herb in tea gastronomy, food pairing, and tea mixology.Dilmah ethical tea, in that all packaging profits are retained in Sri Lanka and fund the MJF charitable foundation and Dilmah conversation. We believe that business is a matter of humasn service.

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